April 20, 2009


couldn't help but tell a story about this little mister.
Here he is hiding under the blanket folded at the bottom of our bed.
He looks kind of cute here - but don't be fooled.
He isn't that nice though he is surprisingly delicate even with all his claws. He used to be cuddly and sweet...when he was a baby.
Now he waits for us to all get into bed and turn out the lights. Then he sprints around the house, crashes through doors and into walls, and gets any random scraps of paper he can to battle with.
I also just caught him running from the bathroom with something in his mouth. I'm not quite sure what it was - probably just a piece of paper. He high-tailed it into the bedroom and disappeared under the bed. When I got down there to retrieve whatever it was he had stolen, I found he has made himself a little cave in the lining of the box spring. He tore a hole in it and I think naps in there - now I'm curious what other missing items he has pack-ratted.


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