December 27, 2010
guess what?!?
I got a pretty fantastic gift this year on Christmas Eve....Cory proposed and gave me this dazzling ring!!!!!! I cannot stop staring down at my finger, it's almost embarrassing. I have to say being engaged to Cory & having a rock on my left hand has made me pretty giddy indeed ♥
December 23, 2010
warm wishes....
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Lulu Claus |
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Bella the Reindeer |
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our tree - minus tree skirt |
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sparkly tree collection |
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bowl of ornaments |
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our holiday cards - love my Gocco!! |
December 14, 2010
so sweet...
Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.
I just had to share this beautiful video I saw over on Rockstar Diaries today. I worked this past weekend and had a replacement day to use this week - I decided that day was today! I have a long holiday to-do list...but the sun is shining & I had bowl of hearty oatmeal for breakfast, along with some earl grey tea. I am ready to rock this to-do list! I will be back later today to share some photos of my accomplishments ;)
December 10, 2010
please stand by....
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*estate sale necklace - sneak peak at my shop* |
My laptop has been knocked around a bit and finally, the worst of the worst happened - dead hard drive. And worst of all to say, not backed up. It's a pretty major loss. Only days before that, the screen on my cell phone went out completely & had to be replaced (18 days before I was due for an upgrade, of course). And the heater in my car is blowing out cold air...not kidding. Why when it rains must it pour?
I am so thankful for the photos I put up on flickr and here on the old blog as well. To think about all the inspiration I had gathered and was saving...all the awesome downloads & mind reels. But I guess a fresh start is necessary every once in a while, so I'm trying to make the best of it. It will be just a little while before my hard drive is replaced so I will be pretty scarce around here.
But I did want to share something lovely that has been happening around here preparations to open my very own etsy shop!!! I decided that I would sell only things that I love and would buy myself and that I would try to support as many other etsy sellers as possible in building my business. That means buying supplies from various etsy sellers; everything from product packaging to charms and what's in between (like felt and fabric and beautiful beads)! And my suppliers come from all over - some within the state and some across oceans! I'm working on building a (rather small) inventory and am having a total blast! So stay tuned for more...I'll be back! ♥
November 28, 2010
to make u smile...
source via elsie's blog
I couldn't help but re-post this photo I saw today over on Elsie's blog. We saw Harry Potter last night - it was wonderful. I almost found myself in tears when Harry's owl Hedwig was killed during some early scenes in the movie (sorry if that was a spoiler for anyone). And I definitely lost it when Dobby the house elf was killed. At the theater we go to, the staff waits outside with baskets of peppermints when the movie lets out. Clearly I still looked a mess as we were leaving because the girl with the peppermint basket gave me the most concerned & pathetic look. Today we had a little pre-birthday celebration.....for me :) Birthdays are kind of....difficult. I feel like all I can concentrate on are the things I haven't done yet! Anyway, I'm having a bit of the birthday blues combined with a bit of the Sunday night blues but this owl made me smile so I thought I'd share ♥
November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
my photo
We had a wonderful & whopping 11-hour Thanksgiving celebration at my parent's house today! I have redeemed my pecan pie from last year's terrible disgrace (I tried a different recipe & failed miserably). We played a new game called Word on the Street that was a TON of fun & pretty hilarious; bear in mind my family can make darn near any game super competitive & you can count on copious amounts of trash talk :)I am truly thankful for my big, loud, hilarious, loving family. I know we won't always be able have these big holidays with all the extended family; but a holiday just isn't a holiday for me unless there's a crazy & chaotic house full of family, food & games! Those are the kind of holidays I remember from childhood and as the oldest of 5, I'm likely to have big holidays for the rest of my I guess it's a good thing I wouldn't have it any other way ♥
November 24, 2010
the eve...
I just got home from start my 4-day weekend! I'm still reveling in that great feeling of having the entire weekend ahead of me. Not to mention that tomorrow is turkey day!!!!!! I will be missing my sister who lives on the east coast but will otherwise be surrounded by loved ones.
Only twice in my life have I missed this holiday with my family; I was living in Japan at the time. The first year I got super lucky & was invited to have Thanksgiving dinner at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo. And the second year, I celebrated with a group of American friends, potluck style. I was in charge of the turkey (partly because I had a car & a Costco membership & that was the only place you could find turkey). But the teeny tiny oven in my shoebox-sized apartment wasn't big enough for the turkey! So I had to take the turkey to the junior high school I taught at and roast it in the oven in the home ec. room, during a school day. The scent of roast turkey filled up the. entire. school. You know the aroma I'm talking about. I felt pretty guilty leaving work with my freshly roasted turkey in tow after torturing the entire staff & student body all day.
November 23, 2010
bad, bad blogger...
my niece Avry
Sorry to have disappeared & left my blog unattended...I have been under the weather & not feeling much like myself lately. I am feeling much better now, but the month of November has completely gotten away from me. I can't believe that Thanksgiving is in 2 DAYS! It is definitely my favorite holiday of the entire year. I will be contributing pecan pies & gravy to my family's humongous Thanksgiving dinner. At some point, Cory and I have a date to see the new Harry Potter. I don't plan on doing any Black Friday shopping....well, maybe online :) I am going to try making most of my holiday gifts this year so maybe I'll spend that day doing some gift-making instead!
November 7, 2010
sunday sunday...
I got the old glue gun out this afternoon and finished up my autumn yarn & felt wreath. I feel like it could use a little something more...but I've got other chores to finish up first. We got the yard in order for the season and are just finishing up a little reorganizing in the garage. Next up is taking out the window AC units and sealing up our old (& very drafty) windows. It feels good to get the house in order while the weather outside is still so beautiful. Speaking of which, it is the perfect sunny fall day - just like it was a year ago when my sister Erin & her husband Tom got married. I got a crazy awesome coupon code from Snapfish for buy one 8x11 photo book and get TWO FREE!! I am going to finish up their wedding photo album today so I can get in on that awesome deal ♥
November 6, 2010
I've been working on my autumn mini book over the last few weeks. I finally got a few things tied together (enough) to take & share some photos. I love working on these tiny pages. My autumn yarn and felt wreath is almost complete as well. I keep tackling smaller projects...but what I really need to get working on is Avry's quilt. I went to a Christmas Expo at a local craft store with my mom and voted on my favorite tree (which had a peacock theme & colors). Also, I am really itching to do some baking this weekend. I'm sure my co-workers wouldn't mind if I turned up Monday morning bearing treats. Oh! And the absolute cutest owl hats arrived for Addie & Avry...hoping I can deliver them soon!
November 3, 2010
cute overload...
This is the Plum! She is the Peach's sister...and she is just the sweetest little girl. She has a funny little pterodactyl cry and she is already very bright-eyed & looking around everywhere. And we have decided that she just looks like...herself! We can see similarities of course, but she definitely has her own look & she will give you a toothache with her sweetness ♥
November 2, 2010
November 1, 2010
happy birthday!!!
So ecstatic to meet my niece Avry Tague Miller today!!! Everyone is doing very well and are resting now. Her brother & sisters are already fighting over who gets to hold her ♥
October 31, 2010
October 30, 2010
a nice little saturday...
Bella, Oliver & Lulu are worthless around here today...but Cory & I have been fairly productive! I had an easy morning of work, then we grabbed some lunch & ran some errands. Some super fun & for right now secret errands...!!! We're watching Shaun of the Dead, enjoying our new Autumn Leaves candle and I'm going to work on some craft projects. And the weather is absolutely perfect...there are just so many reasons that I love this time of year!
October 29, 2010
Isn't this old photograph totally creepy? I think we're going to have a low-key Halloween weekend. I have to work tomorrow until noon and then I want to get some pumpkins & mums, make caramel apples, cook up a big batch of chili & watch scary movies! On Sunday I am going to spend some time with my sister on her "baby eve" - we plan on getting pedicures & I want to take some photos of her belly. And I found out my niece is dressing up as a cheeseburger for Halloween - too cute!
October 27, 2010
weekend dreaming...
I absolutely LOVE these owl cupcakes! I just love owls & for some reason, owls just seem like autumn to me. I think I may have to make some carrot cupcakes this weekend..wonder if I can make some as cute as those?
October 26, 2010
My niece Addie is going to seem so grown-up when her little sister Avry arrives in a few days. Every time I see her I am amazed at how she is growing & changing...her hair is getting so long! She loves to play with cell phones...she says "hi" and then she babbles, and ends with a "bye-bye." It's pretty much the cutest. I got to hang out with my family on Sunday...we watched the Bears game & helped my parents put a new rug down in their living room. We talked about the plan to help my parents with their leaves (they have a really overwhelming amount of leaves...maybe I'll take pictures this year, it's a battle). And my mom pulled out some of the super small baby supplies (the things that Addie has already grown out of using). I still can't believe there will be another member of the family here so soon! I seriously can't wait....♥
October 25, 2010
my poor dogs...
So we had a little test run with the girls' Halloween costumes tonight...I think this will work! And they seriously don't seem to mind at all. They just know they get lots & lots of attention and treats when I put costumes on them. We will definitely be taking a long walk on Sunday to spread some of this overwhelming cute around the neighborhood. ♥
October 23, 2010
still in bed...
We woke up to a thunderstorm today & have both come down with some sort of stomach bug. I am still in my pajamas & in bed (watching the Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus with Cory). And while this is not what we had planned for today, it is kind of nice to enjoy a visually interesting & rainy movie while listening to the rain outside. I keep hearing what I only assume to be a very tiny kitten crying outside & have twice now gone out and looked for it. But it must hear me coming & get scared because as soon as I am out scouting the crying stops!
October 21, 2010
deadlines, countdowns & what-not...
an iced chocolate sugar cookie i made last fall
Countdown: I can barely contain my excitement that my new niece Avry will be here in less than 2 weeks!!!! I know my sister is counting down the days and I am doing the same. I have a quilt to finish for her ASAP (hopefully this weekend). I am also very curious to see how Addie is going to react to her new baby sister. She can say "baby" & gives kisses to her mama's belly, but little does she know that her own lifetime BFF is coming soon..... ♡
It has been a dream of mine for quite a while now to open my own etsy shop and I have decided that the best thing to do is to set myself a deadline & just get cracking on it. I am ready to turn some of this dreaming into doing! As a loyal supporter of independent business & handmade crafts, I feel I am ready to be brave & put myself out there. I will share details here on my blog as soon as I please stay tuned!
I have yet to buy a pumpkin this year (despite a trip to a pumpkin patch).
I want to start baking regularly because I really love it.
I am super proud of my brother right now & it is such a great feeling!
I am excited to see my parents when they return home from the west coast this weekend!
October 10, 2010
weekend recap
We had a very fun but hot day yesterday at Tanner's Orchard with my sister & her family. It was in the high 80's and super crowded there. But we did have the best apple fritters & came home with some other treats as well. My niece is getting so big! And she is a quick one, too. She was everywhere & hadn't napped so there were a few meltdowns...but mostly she is just crazy adorable & very entertaining. We got a few things done around the house today but I still have a long to-do list I'd like to work down...
- buy pumpkins
- make an autumn yarn & felt wreath
- sew a quilt for Avry
- start my autumn mini-book
- finish cleaning the garage
- bake angel food cake with an apple cider glaze
- make a terrarium
- start a painting
October 8, 2010
happy anniversary to us!
I came home from work to find our house entirely cleaned & this beautiful flower waiting for me! He knows me so well....a clean house to me = priceless. We had dinner at one of our favorite places, Kobe - a Japanese steak house & sushi bar. Then we came home, dragged our mattress into the living room for some "camping" and watched The Ring (one of my favorite spooky movies). It was a perfect evening!
P.S. My summer mini has been done for a while but I finally posted photos. Check!
P.S. My summer mini has been done for a while but I finally posted photos. Check!
October 3, 2010
cowboy cookout
Today was the 1st annual cowboy cookout. We brought a party pack of mustaches, some cowboy hats & handkerchiefs along. Then we took some photos. It was so much fun! We decided today that this will be a family tradition and are already plotting for next year (we're talking bringing in some indian gear & more props). My dad grilled steaks over the wood fire and mom made calico beans, corn, and biscuits with homemade apple butter (I'll have to get my mom's recipe cause it was ah-mazing). For dessert we had apple crisp baked in a cast iron pan. So good. I still have to get together with my sister for a maternity photo session....and the dogs need costumes! I have so much to do....I love this time of year! ♥
October 2, 2010
cinema love
The weather was finally chilly today; I am so ready for it to start feeling like fall. I just want to watch spooky movies cuddled on the couch! I have quite a strategic netflix queue lined up right now...tonight we're watching Pan's Labyrinth, dark yet beautiful. I have also been daydreaming about more cooking & baking. It's always nice to warm the kitchen by making a homemade meal. I'll try to share some of our favorite standby recipes. Our goal is to knock off our eating out habit, so we will be doing all our cooking at home. I'll be sure to share any new recipes we try that turn out successful!
September 30, 2010
fun video...
saw this today via rockstar diaries & just wanted to pass it on...
Also, I am feeling so much better today! I am excited for fall weather, to walk the dogs this weekend and for the cowboy dinner at my parent's house this weekend. I am going to take photos of my family, maybe I can find some props...
My sister also told me that my new niece Avry will arrive on November 1st! I am super excited to meet the little November baby ♥
September 27, 2010
true love...
I am still really sore from my surgery so I'm spending another few days recuperating & resting at home. Cory came home to check on me & make me lunch today...isn't that adorable? I am a lucky girl...but I can't wait to be feeling back to normal again ♡
September 25, 2010
It has been a challenging week. I had a trip to the ER on Wednesday (don't worry - I am fine, and believe me - you do not want details). I am also recovering from a minor surgery I had on Friday so I have been camped out in front of the TV most of the week & weekend...I have not gotten anything done & the house is a total mess. I have watched the movie Babies twice in the past 2 is just beautiful & who doesn't love babies?!! It's definitely a must see in my opinion. And thank heavens for Cory, who has been taking care of me & making sure I'm comfortable. While I'm confined to my bed, I am making lists & brainstorming. I can't wait to put up all my autumn & Halloween decorations - and a new yarn & felt wreath is in order I think!
September 19, 2010
red pepper soup
The weekend has gone by too quickly, yet again. My preggo sister has been jonesing for this roasted red pepper soup I've been making for the last few years (it's a Giada recipe from Food Network). It's super easy, healthy & muy delicioso! I made her a whole batch of her very own today so she can freeze some to enjoy later. And I heard that my 19 month old niece loved it to - it's a winner!
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 onions, chopped
2 carrots, peeled & chopped
3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 teaspoons chopped, fresh thyme
6 cups chicken broth
2 - 12 ounce jars of roasted red bell peppers in water (drained)
1 russet potato, peeled & coarsely chopped
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 tablespoon sugar
salt & freshly ground black pepper
Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a heavy, large pot over medium/high heat. Add the onions, carrots, garlic and thyme and saute until the onions are translucent (about 5 minutes). Add the broth, bell peppers, potato, wine and sugar. Bring to a simmer over high heat. Decrease the heat to medium/low, partially cover and simmer until the potatoes are tender (about 30 minutes). Cool the soup slightly. Then using an immersion hand blender, puree the soup in the pot until it is smooth. You can also do this in a blender, working in batches (be careful transferring & blending any hot liquids). Season the soup to taste with salt & pepper. Enjoy! ♥
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 onions, chopped
2 carrots, peeled & chopped
3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 teaspoons chopped, fresh thyme
6 cups chicken broth
2 - 12 ounce jars of roasted red bell peppers in water (drained)
1 russet potato, peeled & coarsely chopped
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 tablespoon sugar
salt & freshly ground black pepper
Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a heavy, large pot over medium/high heat. Add the onions, carrots, garlic and thyme and saute until the onions are translucent (about 5 minutes). Add the broth, bell peppers, potato, wine and sugar. Bring to a simmer over high heat. Decrease the heat to medium/low, partially cover and simmer until the potatoes are tender (about 30 minutes). Cool the soup slightly. Then using an immersion hand blender, puree the soup in the pot until it is smooth. You can also do this in a blender, working in batches (be careful transferring & blending any hot liquids). Season the soup to taste with salt & pepper. Enjoy! ♥
September 17, 2010
I am so glad the weekend is finally here! Tomorrow we are celebrating my sisters' & brother's birthday with dinner at our favorite Italian steakhouse. Above is a gift for my sis, just wanted to share the lovely packaging - I recycled the box & lace from the packaging from an order from spinthread and inside is a Lisa Leonard necklace! I stamped & added the tag, simple but lovely! ♡
September 14, 2010
source: bakerella
I really want my own copy of bakerella's new book...cutest ideas ever :) I particularly love the owls! This week is kind of creeping by...I'm on the early shift this week & went to bed at 8:30 last night. Seriously. And I was still tired this morning. Anyway, we have fun dinner plans this weekend & I think we might try to hit up the drive-in. One bonus to the early shift is getting off early - plenty of light to take photos...of the summer mini that I need to finish....the one that has been staring at me from my coffee table. Grr!
September 11, 2010
little things...
Trying to notice & appreciate the little things today....
The above photo is of my favorite chopsticks from when I lived in Japan. They aren't expensive or fancy but I love them anyway. The blog re-design is done...for now ;) I find I need to freshen things up every season or so. And I may even try a blogging schedule to keep myself on track! I had work this morning and have been cleaning house this afternoon. Looking forward to some down time & a relaxing Sunday. I vow to get that summer mini finished too. If I don't do it now - I"ll never get it done. Besides, all I want to think about is AUTUMN! Happy Saturday ♥
The above photo is of my favorite chopsticks from when I lived in Japan. They aren't expensive or fancy but I love them anyway. The blog re-design is done...for now ;) I find I need to freshen things up every season or so. And I may even try a blogging schedule to keep myself on track! I had work this morning and have been cleaning house this afternoon. Looking forward to some down time & a relaxing Sunday. I vow to get that summer mini finished too. If I don't do it now - I"ll never get it done. Besides, all I want to think about is AUTUMN! Happy Saturday ♥
September 5, 2010
August 30, 2010
summer days...

August 29, 2010
August 28, 2010
dog stories...
When Cory and I moved in together in August of 2005, we both immediately wanted to adopt a dog (we both grew up with lots of pets). And so we got Biscuit:

Cory drove a total of 9 hours to bring them home. Within the first week we had them, they both became violently ill. They ended up being quarantined at the animal hospital for over a week with parvo...we were told they had a 50/50 chance of survival. We visited them everyday; and many days they had no energy to even lift their heads to acknowledge our presence. It was such a tough time. They managed to get better & have been healthy ever since! In addition to being the cutest dogs ever, they are also the cuddliest. No foolin. Even though it is a constant battle with the dog hair around here...I couldn't imagine my life without them!
P.S. Not totally sure what is going on with the decor in these photos, you'll want to go ahead & ignore that ♥
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