I love absolutely everything about this. I need to do a little re-org in my craft room and this is major inspiration!! This weekend will be busy, but I hope to get that + some cleaning done. And I have projects that need to be finished! ♥
Today was just plain crummy; but the above photo made me smile. P.S. This is my 200th post on this blog, wish it was more exciting...but that's just life sometimes ♥
I haven't been terribly productive this week, craft-wise anyway. Work wore me out & I just couldn't seem to pull it together enough to get anything finished; but I did mess around with some new tape and a cute takeout coffee stamp I've had for a while. ♥
I am trying to take more photos, and to notice the beauty in even the smallest things around me. Spring is definitely giving me a more inspired & positive attitude...must be the sunshine!♥
Mondays aren't usually my favorite....but today I got lots of happy mail: my first pair of Tom's (which are lovely & comfy by the way) and a box full of goodies from Red Velvet Art!!! It was a nice start to my week ♥
I finished all the above projects this weekend! The tunic/dress for Addie (DIY from Rachel Denow), a zipper pouch for a co-worker's daughter, sketchbook covers for me & my sister, and a lap quilt for my mom, which I think kind of ended up looking like a peanut butter cup :) Feels good to have accomplished some fun craft projects ♥
I have lots of favorite childhood books....this is one of my top 5 for sure. I had a copy but my mom is holding it hostage. It is no longer in print and selling on amazon for over $300! whoa! I was very into drawing when I was a child; I wanted to be Ms. Mouse designing homes for all my animal friends! One day, I'll borrow the book back...it really is wonderful ♥
The weekend flew by again! I did not get nearly as much done as I had hoped, but I sure did have fun! Saturday morning we watched Addie for a few hours so Erin could run some errands. She is getting so big and doing so many new things every time we see her. My favorite is her reaction to the word "no" which is kind of a funny face with a fake cry/whine. Hilarious! Saturday night we went out to a St. Patty's day celebration and watched a few bands play at a bar in my hometown. Maybe I had too much fun!?...doesn't take much these days :) And I don't know if my Target just doesn't have much of the Liberty of London stuff yet or they've sold out - but I was sadly disappointed by my lack of options. I did get this piggy bank for the craft room ♥
1. i bought tickets to Montana today for a trip in August!!!!!!!!!!!! so excited to see my bestie :) 2. i am dying to make a terrarium....i ♥ this one from doodle birdie on etsy! 3. this is the most innocent & beautiful love story....♥