source via elsie's blog
I couldn't help but re-post this photo I saw today over on Elsie's blog. We saw Harry Potter last night - it was wonderful. I almost found myself in tears when Harry's owl Hedwig was killed during some early scenes in the movie (sorry if that was a spoiler for anyone). And I definitely lost it when Dobby the house elf was killed. At the theater we go to, the staff waits outside with baskets of peppermints when the movie lets out. Clearly I still looked a mess as we were leaving because the girl with the peppermint basket gave me the most concerned & pathetic look. Today we had a little pre-birthday celebration.....for me :) Birthdays are kind of....difficult. I feel like all I can concentrate on are the things I haven't done yet! Anyway, I'm having a bit of the birthday blues combined with a bit of the Sunday night blues but this owl made me smile so I thought I'd share ♥