February 27, 2011

new obsessions...

I may have talked Cory into building (or restoring) one of these teardrop camping trailers for our very own!  They are light & can be towed by a small car, are endlessly customizable + you can build one for a pretty reasonable price.  Also, my obsession continues with crochet - I finished my first hot pad and am working on a scarf now.  Next week we learn granny squares!!!!  Learning to crochet has been on my "birthday to-do" list for the last few years (I know - that's bad)....I am so excited I finally know how!  And it's an especially fine hobby to undertake while watching indulgent TV in the evenings (True Blood & now Carnivale).  I can also see myself crocheting while in front of a camp fire...next to our teardrop trailer :)

February 23, 2011

February 20, 2011

hello again...

I got to spend some time with my adorable nieces (see above) this weekend.  The cute just doesn't stop with these two lovely ladies :)  I have been utterly neglectful of the blog but I hope to start sharing some of our wedding plans in the coming weeks & I have a few new items to add to the shop as well!  

February 14, 2011

from my crew to yours....

Bella & Lulu just love it when I do this to them...they really are the sweetest little Valentine angels :) 

February 12, 2011

new items!!!

 There are a few new items in the shop - check it out!

February 11, 2011

DIY Valentines...

Grab a pack of blank cards & envelopes (I used these same kraft cards for Christmas!) + some paper doilies from your local craft or dollar store.  I already had this super cute stamp & red ink pad....but you could cut out heart shapes from paper or even put a photo of your own mug on there!  Stamp the doilies & when they are dry glue them onto the front of the cards.  Include a heartfelt message inside & send to all your favorite sweethearts!
P.S. I fixed the comments so if in the past you have tried to comment & been unable to...try again!!
Also, I had my first crochet class on Tuesday & I think I'm already addicted :)

February 1, 2011

snowtorious b.i.g. 2011

Like about a third of the country, we are getting snowed in right now.  We knew it was coming so we are all stocked up & ready to stay cozy in our little cottage for the next day (or two).  I just got some embroidery patterns in the mail today, I'm in the middle of a really good book & I also just started watching a new (to me) show!  As long as our power doesn't go out we should be good to go!!!