Addie, Molly & Avry at the Children's Discovery Museum |
One of the many big life events that happened while I was away from the blog was that I lost my job. I sort of saw it coming & had been really miserable there for a looong time (6 years long actually), but it was still a big blow & since then, life has been...different. I know there are a lot of other people out there who have lost their jobs and are just like me... "between jobs" as I like to say. I speak now from firsthand experience when I say: it is no fun. Like everyone else with a crappy job they don't like, I would
dream about not having to work & fantasize about what I'd do with all the time! But without the benefit of independent wealth, this scenario quickly becomes less desirable. Obviously there are lots of negatives - like the added financial stress, my crumbling self-confidence & the pressure my unemployment puts on my personal relationships. I have to be careful not to get
too excited about jobs because if they don't work out it's a
huge emotional letdown. Then there are the feelings of guilt if you are not devoting 24 hours a day to the job hunt. There is also truth to the old adage "the busier you are, the more you get done!"and unfortunately, the reverse is true as well. Sometimes I feel I have all the time in the world, but the next thing I know I've blown an entire afternoon on the internet! At times, I feel really, really lost. Most days it's fairly easy to convince myself that I'd rather be a little lost right now, than find myself in the same miserable job in 15 years. I am constantly working to establish a routine & some balance in this new situation. Tomorrow afternoon I am headed to a volunteer orientation at the
Children's Discovery Museum! I have been there with my nieces & it is so amazing! My sister Molly suggested volunteering to me. In fact, it's how she got her job at the
Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian - so cool! I don't know yet how often I'll be there or in what capacity, and I don't expect to land a job from this experience; but I am really excited to do something different & meaningful with my time & to find out more details tomorrow!
Hey, I like your new blog and just want to tell you to not to get discouraged about the job hunt. Things always have a way of working out. Take care and stay busy. Love ya, Mom
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