April 25, 2012


Truth be told, I've gotten a little behind on my photo-a-day challenge. I've missed the sunset a few times and have been basically waiting to capture that so I could put everything up in order. I took a film photography class in college (very basic). So this is just me playing around with our Nikon D60. I'm hoping that I can learn new techniques & just overall improve my photography by taking photos daily.
From top to bottom: stairs, something I found (my old driver's license from Japan), how I feel today (like a crabby goose), sunset (not loving this photo but moving on), flower, something I don't like (doing dishes by hand, love when they are done though), hair (got that shot on the first try!), orange (juice), something I drew (a tent), and a bottle (pink champagne - YES!).

I'm playing along with Fat Mum Slim's Photo-A-Day Challenge & love having prompts! Above is April 12th - 21st. You can find May's prompts here.


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