What a week! I'm pretty excited to be starting my weekend! Things are always a little off when a national holiday falls on a Wednesday...even more so when you add in record-breaking triple digit temps & stifling humidity. I realize how lucky we are not to be dealing with fires or power outages on top of the heat & have been keeping those affected in my thoughts.
I am not quite a month into my new job & the days are flying by. On Tuesday, I did patriotic pedicures with my aunt & cousins who were visiting from California. We spent Independence Day at my sister's house for a family party! We had an indoor, fried chicken picnic for lunch & then all the "kids" went swimming at the local pool. We all went our separate ways for a midday nap & some AC time; we met up again in the evening for hot dogs, homemade ice cream & Texas cake! We threw water balloons & wore our home-made tie dye t-shirts & played with sparklers....we had a very fun & very exhausting day.
It's definitely been a full moon kind of week around here. To make a long story short, I dropped my phone at the grocery store after work yesterday & some jerk was holding it for ransom. The universe smiled upon us when a super awesome police officer was able to return it to us & the guy got a $100 fine. That's karma, people.